To our fellow Denver community, Our campaign is founded upon the fact that our student body, as a vibrant and passionate collection of individuals, functions…
We love DU. We see its flaws. But, more importantly, we see its potential. These were the first words written down when we decided to…
At a time when action is needed more than anything, a number of states are taking on the issue of gun control—Democratic governors from Connecticut,…
Encouraging news for those who want to see DU become a more attainable and inclusive school came this week when the university announced a new…
Next week on campus, from Feb. 12 to Feb. 16, “Swipe Out Hunger” will take place in the dining halls, allowing students to donate meal…
Colorado is known as “The Headwater State” because of the crucial rivers flowing throughout the Rockies. The snowfall in the Rockies is the source of…
On Dec. 31, 2017, former President Barack Obama shared his book list of the year, once again demonstrating that reading (fiction and nonfiction alike) holds…
As the opioid epidemic generates more national attention, questions have been raised about the incidence of opioid use on college campuses. Kids between the ages…
The common cold and the flu are making their first rounds of the season, and the rattling of bottles of Advil and other over-the-counter medications…
After the New York Times broke loose their investigation of sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein on Oct. 5, women, celebrities and non-celebrities alike, took…