Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and 22 other Colorado mayors on Friday endorsed the fight against Amendments 47, 49 and 54.

Citing their support for working Coloradans and concerns about the negative impact the measures would have on Colorado’s economy, the bipartisan group of mayors urged Coloradans to vote no on these special interest-backed measures.

“Amendments 47, 49 and 54 have no economic benefit for Colorado in terms of job growth and could actually hurt our ability to recover from current economic problems by depressing wages and pitting businesses against workers,” said Mayor Hickenlooper.

“Today Colorado enjoys a business friendly climate, with lower unemployment rates, higher wages and a larger percentage of Coloradans with employer-covered health care than is found in many other states. Amendments 47, 49 and 54 will only take Colorado backwards.”

Hickenlooper said he is also concerned about the effect Amendments 47, 49 and 54 will have on working Coloradans across the state.

“These divisive amendments will silence the voices of Colorado’s firefighters, teachers and other city employees,” added Hickenlooper. “We cannot afford to let Amendments 47, 49 and 54 fragment the voices of the people who protect our communities and educate our children.

A depressed economy makes it harder for students to find jobs. For those students looking to become a nurse, firefighter or a teacher these amendments will make your job tougher.

We are working to defeat these measures in order that such people can continue to have the resources that they need.