Analytical Inquiry is the bane of my existence. I am a 21 year-old journalism major studying to be a newspaper reporter. Yet every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. I sit in front of my laptop learning how to program a Web site so that it can calculate the area of a rectangle. And it is hard.Now, all the computer science students out there are laughing at me, I’m sure. They should be because as I understand it, the things I am learning in this class are extremely simple. Simple for some perhaps but for me they are torturous.I want to say that both my professor and my GTA are extremely kind and talented people. I respect the world of technology and especially what it has done to advance the field of communication, my field. That’s just the thing though my field is not technology.So I must ask why our university demands that we take classes so far removed from our desired professions that even the most motivated students question these requirements.It seems that our school wants its graduates to be well-rounded men and women when they leave this university. I, for one, would rather have my college prepare me to be a well-rounded journalist when I graduate and leave the well-rounded part up to me.After all, students are the ones who keep this university running. We pay the big bills. Should we have any say in what we are required to study? I know that college is not a fast food restaurant where I can have a burger with fries or without. However, I think something is wrong when I pay $35,000 a year for a journalism degree while my GPA is being eroded by a math class I never wanted to take or cared to learn about. Leave Analytical Inquiry to the people who want it and let me take more journalism classes in my senior year. The more in depth knowledge a student has of his or her field the more employable that student becomes upon graduation. Forcing students to take classes they don’t need doesn’t improve the quality of the bachelor’s degree we get after four years.