1Check out study abroad programs. Studying and living in another country helps you better understand other cultures as well as your own – it also opens doors to new career options.2Get involved with volunteering or service learning programs. Engage yourself and contribute to the public good while combining academic study with volunteer opportunities within the Denver community or by goingoverseas.3Join or participate in student groups such as the International Student Organization (ISO). ISO brings together international and domestic students for leadership development and Festival of Nations planning.4Check out the International Society ABA (Anywhere but Antarctica). Founded by study abroad returnees, the organization fosters cultural awareness and promotes study abroad. Future and past study abroad students are welcome to join in their activities.5Do Festival of Nations. Join DU’s international student community in celebrating and showcasing the many countries and cultures represented on campus through the Festival of Nations held in April.6Go to I-House events. Come to a monthly international lunch or InternationalFilm and Culture Series events at the International House.7Celebrate your own cultural heritage. DU’s students, faculty and staff represent a diversity of racial and ethnic backgrounds. Share with a friend some of the uniqueness of your own culture.8 Join International Orientation TeamInternational mentorship, buddy or ambassador programs such as ISO focus on leadership and new international student orientation programming.9Study another language . DU’s Languages and Literatures department offers a variety of language and cultural studies classes.10Thrill your taste buds. Eat foods from around the world. The residential dining halls offer international dishes on a regular basis and feature other international specials on many cultural holidays.