DU Men’s Lacrosse defeated Furman 13-8 March 3 in Paladin Stadium, improving to a 3-1 record on the season. Sophomore Ethan Walker (Peterborough, Ontario) contributed…
In a seemingly trivial but truly troubling turn of events, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson has placed and then tried to cancel…
When it comes to transportation in Denver, 2018 looks to improve and evolve its services from the Regional Transportation District (RTD). In his state of…
Men’s lacrosse defeated Cleveland State 17-8 on Feb. 25 in front of their 23rd straight sellout at the Peter Barton Lacrosse Stadium. Senior Trevor Baptiste…
At a time when action is needed more than anything, a number of states are taking on the issue of gun control—Democratic governors from Connecticut,…
It’s hard to know what to say when talking about the latest school shooting—so many prior calls for change in so many places—but guns are…
On Feb. 15, the DU College Republicans hosted potential Republican gubernatorial candidate, Doug Robinson, in Margery Reed Hall where he introduced himself to members of…
In the decade since “Iron Man” arrived to change blockbuster filmmaking forever, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has grown to become not only a money-making…
February is Black History Month, which celebrates the history and contributions of black Americans in this country. It stems from Negro History Week, which was…
On Feb. 8 the DU Black Student Alliance (BSA) hosted a dialogue focused on black pride and the accomplishments made by African-American icons in honor…