The start of fall quarter is right around the corner, and whether you worked hard for your bikini body this summer or took advantage of the warm weather to truly relax, it is time to make a commitment to yourself to work out this fall. Let’s be honest, Instagram is probably where we get the majority of our fitness inspiration, so it seems impossible not to desire a perfect

“Instagram Body,” right? While it is tempting, if we focus more on the benefits of exercise and less on the physical results, we can set ourselves up for a realistic plan that is easy to commit to.

A few things to remember:
  • Aside from the muscle burning on your last set, exercise feels good. There is nothing better than the feeling of fresh satisfaction after a workout, so take a moment to truly enjoy that feeling. Give yourself some credit for getting out and getting it done.
  • Exercise helps you focus. We can study as much as we want, but at the end of the day, we all need a little break. Instead of reaching to Netflix or unhealthy snacks, reward yourself with some fun activity. Group classes are a great way to get some social interaction and exercise all in one. The fun music will immediately have you feeling good and motivate you throughout the class. Let’s remember, the Ritchie Center offers a ton of them, and they’re free (lucky you).
  • Make it a routine. When time for something is already built in, it makes it exponentially easier. Set aside this time before class, in the middle of the day, or even in the evening and consider it “me time.” Your body and mind will thank you.
  • 12.2 percent of members of the Latinx community are diagnosed with diabetes per year, in comparison to 7.4 percent non-hispanic whites. A healthy diet that results in moderate weight loss combined with exercise has been shown to delay the onset and likelihood of a diabetes diagnosis. Making a commitment now to a healthy lifestyle sets you up for a lifetime of good health.