Vice Provost Sheila Wright told the Senate there will probably be a 14 to 15 percent increase in the cost of DU health insurance. She said this is a large increase, but is moderate in comparison to the market.

Senator Christopher Gomez said that insurance premiums are much higher nationwide, and DU insurance is a great bargain.

The Senate held elections for off-campus and AHUM/SOCS Senators. They elected David Hahn as AHUM/SOCS Senator for the remainder of the quarter.

There were two candidates for the Off-Campus Senator position, but the Senate voted “no confidence.” The position will remain unfilled for the rest of the quarter.

The Diversity Committee funded the Festival of Nations and the video Grant Knisley is producing on Project Nepal. They have $4,785 to allocate for the rest of the quarter.

The Senate passed a revised Diversity Committee Constitution that includes an additional two members to build ties with DU Programs Board.

The Senate approved the late application for Model United Nations and deemed them “licensed fundable.”

The Finance Committee will be meeting this weekend to process funding applications for the recently designated “licensed fundable” groups.

Senator Ben Brooks said that many students are concerned about the editorial Jerry Mitchell wrote for last week’s Clarion about Learning Effectiveness Program students. He said the concerned students felt the article was inappropriate.

The Senate meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Room 1846 of Driscoll North.