In response to Jerry Mitchell’s last two articles referring to priority registration, it is interesting to see the views of a frustrated University of Denver student.

There are various reasons why LEP student’s have the need for priority registration. Learning disabilities range in so many different directions. From reading an entire page in a book and then not being able to comprehend what was on that page, to mixing up pronouns when speaking are just two examples of the complexity of having such a challenge in one’s life.

In years past, the educational system did not encourage students with learning disabilities. Now educational systems across the country are not only legally required to work with us, but they want to work with us. Just look at DU graduates that were in the LEP; they are a successful group.

The point we’re trying to make is everyone, including you, Mr. Mitchell, has educational and career aspirations. However, for some of us, we may have to work harder and longer to get the same results that you get. There are some things that can’t be overcome, such as some learning disabilities. Receiving priority registration as an accommodation, student’s with LD and/or ADHD can achieve their aspirations and reach their highest potential.

Jerry, come to one of our Belay meetings, we promise to have a non hostile environment to discuss this issue.

Belay, the leadership team for

students with disabilities