Two future art exhibitions will give many student artists the recognition they could have missed out on.

superfantastic is an annual juried student art exhibition that will be held in a new location this year. The Core New Art Space gallery, on Larimer and 20th, will showcase art pieces done by DU art students from April 26 to May 12.

“The gallery in the Shwayder art building was booked and so they couldn’t get the space,” said Mary Beth Koszut, senior.

The …isms art club is sponsoring the exhibition. Any art student can submit three art pieces, which will be judged by a guest juror.

In a similar twist of events, the senior BA students are planning their own exhibition in the Shwayder art building. Senior BA artists Koszut and Anne Angyal are co-curators for the “Basement of Wonders” exhibition.

“As a BA student, we are not given the gallery space to exhibit our work,” said Angyal. “So, it’s up to us to put on a show.”

The co-curators are planning to turn a classroom in the Shwayder basement into a gallery where the senior BA students can showcase their work, hence the title, “Basement of Wonders.” The exhibition will run at the same time as the senior BFA art exhibition show on May 17.