The AUSA Senate met last night to approve student organizations to be license fundable, which allows the organizations to receive Senate funding.

The Senate had to take a recess for an hour and a half because the Student Organization Committee did not have a proposal prepared recommending which organizations should be approved.

The Senate decided to take the recess in order to avoid delaying the funding process for student organizations deemed licensed fundable. SOC reviews the organizations’ applications and makes a proposal based on its conclusions about which organizations meet the requirements to be licensed fundable. Senators then voted on the proposal. The Finance Committee then reviews applications submitted by licensed fundable organizations and presents a proposal to the Senate.

The Senate voted in favor of the SOC’s recommendations after lengthy debate. Only 11 of 16 senators were present, which does not constitute a quorum. A quorum, which represents the number of senators required to have a 2/3-majority vote, is necessary for the Senate to pass legislation. Since a quorum was not present the vote on SOC’s proposal required a unanimous vote.

Senator Ben Brooks was opposed to the SOC’s proposal because it recommended licensing the Greek Council and an organization named Pillar.

Senator Brooks said, “I support licensing and funding the Greek organization. I just thought the Greek Council and Pillar was a duplication of services and programming.”

Senator Brooks did not support licensing both organizations. However he eventually conceded to the opinion of the other Senators in order to not impede the process.

March 13 the Senate passed a funding bill to increase awareness that students need to register three quarters in advance in order to graduate. Students planning to graduate in the spring must register, or “apply,” for graduation in the fall.

Senator Jessica Owens, who also works in the Registration Office, said that as of last month only about 280 seniors of almost 1000 had done so.

Senator Chelsea Smith resigned from her position as AHUM/SOCS Senator. She said she has been struggling with feelings of dissent within the Senate. She also said she felt Senate has lacked accountability, responsibility and organization.

Regina Mattie is also no longer Chair of Programming. Janel Fisher, the new president of the DU Programs Board is replacing her.

Brian Villano was also appointed Chair of Finance at the meeting on April 3.

The Diversity Committee allocated $2700 to CAPSA.

Next year’s Senators will be elected by the end of April. Interested students should e-mail President Stacy Porto at sporto@du.edu.

Senate meetings are held every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Room 1846, located on the second floor of Driscoll North. They are open to students and visitors.