Bar parties. AUSA elections. Oh, and don’t forget the See-saw-athon.
As the school year is winding down, DU’s campus is heating up.
Warm spring days are back to stay and students want nothing to do with class.
It’s that time again: May Days is upon us.
But while there may be plenty of extracurricular activities going on around campus, it’s imperative that students hunker down-at least a few nights a week-and take care of homework and studying. Ask any student and he or she will likely tell you that of the three quarters, spring proves the most challenging, but not due to an increased workload. The problem with spring quarter is that there’s just so much to do!
Here’s a surefire approach to beating the ills of Spring:
1. Pace yourself. First and foremost, you must realize that it is not possible to do everything that you want to do unless you plan on being a) a total nerd with no social skills outside of being sick at video games, b) a flat-out alcoholic with the much-despised party illness, which is highlighted by a constantly achy body and a severely hoarse voice and sore throat, or c) not sleeping for the rest of the year.
2. Prioritize. Pick a few events to attend and enjoy them, and pick a few nights to get your work done and do it. If there’s one or two events that you can’t miss, double up on work nights and get it done early! This way, when Wednesday and Thursday nights rolls around, you’re able to give the social events on those nights the energy and full concentration they deserve.
3. Go to class! As simple as this may sound, undergrads tend to forgo this advice in droves. No matter what kind of shape you’re in, as long as you’re conscious you should make every effort to improve your attendance points, as these extra points will come in handy should your extended spring partying diminish your ability to write papers and take tests well.
4. Travel in groups. Especially with the recent assaults on and off campus, this point is paramount. No one wants to be taken advantage of just because he or she lacks the clear-headedness to stick with the herd. Go out with friends, and stay with them.
5. Wear legit footwear. For the gentlemen, a nice tennis shoe would be preferable over flip flops, as it is increasingly difficult to lose something if it is tied to your body. Ladies, leave the pumps and other notoriously uncomfortable shoes at home, because you know Driscoll lawn’s soft grass can’t be expected to hold a heel, no matter how anorexic you might be.
6. Hydrate. Yeah, you’ve heard this one before, but don’t underestimate it. Prolonged exposure to the sun, coupled with those other socially grueling activities in which you might be involved, can sap your body of the strength and energy you’ll need to keep see-sawing throughout the night.
7. Celebrate! There are few places in this world more beautiful than Denver in springtime, and the center of all the fun and mayhem in the whole city this week is Driscoll lawn. Take some time to enjoy yourself! All your hard work should count for something. Even though it may sound arbitrary, choose some accomplishment to celebrate, whether it’s a good grade you received, a paper you finished, or that you’re hanging out with a friend you haven’t seen in awhile.
8. Perkins/ Pete’s/ Halls/ Nelson breakfast. This one should be self-explanatory, because nothing chases away the ghosts of last night like some grease! Don’t forget your sunglasses!
There you have it, 8 sure ways to be a great student and a legendary partier during May Days.
Good luck to you-and see you out there!