AUSA Senate’s most recent meeting was a dinner with Chancellor Bob Coombe which allowed the senators to discuss various campus issues with him.

Sen. Ryan Myers suggested options for expanding student space.

Myers pointed out that students are limited to a confined area when they desire to relax and throw around a Frisbee or football.

The constrained space may cause injuries to people passing by.

In order to solve this dilemma, Myers suggested that students be permitted to access the lacrosse and soccer fields.

Senate Vice President Molly Brown reminded the chancellor that the Senate has fixed the problem of communications with students.

However, now the Senate desires to focus its attention on building up the campus community.

“We really improved communication and now we want to build up the sense of community at DU,” said Brown.

Other projects the Senate has successfully put into play are remodeling the Village Commons area and funding the club hockey team to go to nationals.

Through the bill passed to remodel the village, Senate is receiving $1,475 for this project

Brand new furniture and carpet will be installed in the open area, along with the incorporation of pool tables.

The bill also provided the club hockey team with $2,000 to fulfill its dream of participating in national competition.

According to Brown, “Senate is always willing to support club sports; especially if they bring prestige to the University.”

Due to the resignation of Sen. John Bales, the Senate will also be recruiting a new on-campus senator.

“Sen. Bales was fantastic while he was here,” said Brown

Bales state in his resignation letter that because of class conflicts, applying to medical schools and other situations he feels compelled to give up his position as an on-campus senator and chair of the Diversity Committee, in order to allow another student body member to focus more solely on Senate.

The application process will begin during the spring quarter.

More information on the available position can be found on senate’s Web site.