Photo by: the Center for Judaic Studies

Yair Dalal, an Israeli composer, violinist and oud player, will perform at Davis Auditorium in Sturm Hall on Sunday at 7 p.m. Dalal is best known for his music featured in the recent Academy Award winning documentary, “Born into Brothels.”Dalal’s work incorporates Iraqi and Jewish Arabic music as well as influences from the Balkans and India. He performs around the world and was featured at the Nobel Peace Prize gala in Oslo. In the past decade, he has made more than nine albums.Dalal is a peace activist and uses his music to remove ideological barriers between people and musicians from different cultures. He has formed several peace projects, such as the Shalom Salaam concert in 1994 and the Key Note Circle for Peace.He is also known for collaborating with top musicians around the world, including Maestro Zubin Mahta, Israeli Chamber Orchestra and Doron Solomon, Jordi Savall, L. Shankar, Hamza el Din, Michel Bismuth, Ken Zuckerman, Armand Aamar, Shlomo Mintz, Philharmonic Orchestra and the Jerusalem Kamerata Orchestra.The musician participates and lectures in Keshet Eilon-Violin workshops, ISME/Music Education, European Network for Traditional Music and Dance, Mendecino Middle East Music Camp USA and the Mediterranean Musical Dialogue in Israel, which he initiated.Dalal will perform with Ty Burhoe, a drummer known for his ability to play different styles of music and working internationally with artists including Bela Fleck, Sting and Kitaro.The concert is part of a three-month series hosted by the Center for Judaic Studies and was inspired by the work of French photographer Frederic Brenner. Other events include a photographic exhibit of Brenner’s work, public lectures with the artist and a concert and film series focusing on Jewish culture and arts.