Change is in the air at the University of Denver. Can you feel it?
The blazing days of summer sun are in decline now, replaced by the cool breezes and longer nights of autumn. A new batch of freshmen has arrived, and with them has come that curious enthusiasm that youth, yearning and freedom brings. But while the cold air and the freshmen settle in for fall quarter, what are the rest of us doing to change? Are you just getting by, or are you actively pursuing positive change?
In the annual US News and World Report’s “Best Colleges in America,” DU moved up three spots from last year to no. 85 in the rankings. Indeed, many Pioneers-from administrators to faculty to advisers to students to alumni-have made an impact both on campus and in their lives in general. These people have earned DU’s ascent on the list, and have likely earned better lives, too.
But what about the rest of us? What are we doing to help ourselves, each other, the school, and even the planet?
Undoubtedly, we can all do more, help more, engage more, and give more. So why don’t we?
Are you one of these students who wants to help? The mere fact that you’ve engaged your school population by reading this student publication suggests that you do care and that you do want to help. And here’s some news for you: DU needs you. Not only that, this life of yours needs you.
If you’d like to become an all-star in life, or at least get more active on campus, follow this simple guide:
1. Be a leader. A leader is someone who stands up for what he or she thinks is right. A good leader pursues it. And a great leader pursues it in service of others. Even if you aren’t in any leadership positions, it takes a good leader to truly follow.
2. Choose your life. Many people do what they are able to do, what they can do. Few people do what they choose to do. Are you making choices, or just doing whatever there is to do? Pick what it is that you want to do. Be selective.
3. Just do it. Life is simple, not easy. If you want to do something, stop stalling and do it. You are the only one who holds yourself back, so stop making excuses and do what you want to do.
4. Stay focused on what you want. Being an all-star and leading a big life is not easy. There are many distractions and obstacles to overcome-life is hard, but not complicated. Keep your focus on what you want, no matter the adversity, and you will succeed.
5. Now is the time. The past and the future do not exist. Now is the only time that there is! Live accordingly.
6. Grow where you’re planted. This is where you are, and for good reason. You have chosen to be here, and you have everything you will ever need to be successful and happy-embrace it!
7. Take time for yourself. Giving to others is a wonderful gift that can be addictive and tireless if not handled correctly. You can’t do it well if you don’t take care of yourself first. Giving to others is loving others. Be sure to love yourself first.
8. Give enough of yourself to get hurt. If you’re not allowing yourself to get hurt, you’re not putting yourself out there. If you’re not putting yourself out there, you’re not growing and changing. What are you afraid of? Leap and the net shall appear. Have faith that things will work out for the best and let go of your fear.
9. To thine own self, be true. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, thoughts and words. You know the truth. It may not always be fair. It may not always be right. But it is always the truth. Remember the truth, and live there.
10. Ask for help. You have many people here at DU who are here to support you. Get to know your advisers, your professors, and your classmates. When you need help, all you have to do is ask. Everybody needs help sometimes!
11. Be. The world is a crazy place. If you’re always reacting to the world, you’ll be crazy, too. Be you. Don’t react to others. Act as you, from your heart.
Use these tips to make the absolute most of your time here at DU, and to make the most of your time here in life. We can all make this university better, we can all make this world better, and doing so will enrich our own lives. Let’s be givers. Let’s be all-stars. Let’s change the world.
We can do it-together.