Have you gotten the flu shot this year? Been getting sick more than you expected? The influenza vaccine may be one of the reasons.
This year’s flu shot has a lower rate of effectiveness compared with the vaccines given in the past two years, which means that even if you received the flu shot it may not protect you against all the types that have been spreading this season. So much for planning ahead.
The DU Health Center has seen many more students for influenza this year then they usually do. Last year in February, there were only 34 patients seen for the flu compared to this year’s 72. That’s a 57 percent increase. According to the center only about half of DU students have had the vaccine this year, which increases the chances of spreading the virus on campus.
However, fear not! It may not be your late night parties and indiscreet kissing that has been getting you sick. Read on to figure out why your shot may not have worked.
Every year the Center for Disease Control predicts what the influenza shot should be comprised of by looking back at the flu strain from the previous year. There are two types of influenza: influenza A and B. Type A is the most common and within that the AH1 strain is seen in most cases of the flu.
Most years, the vaccine is made to fight the AH1 strain and is a major factor for preventing against influenza. This year the CDC guessed wrong on which strains would cause the most disease, which has been leading to a lot more of us getting sick. The CDC has concocted something better for next year but for now, all we can do is try and stay healthy by loading up on vitamin C and sleep.
“Influenza is so hard to treat because the flu viruses mutate constantly, that’s why it is so hard to vaccinate for the flu,” said Dr. Alexander of the DU Health Center.
The news about the flu shot isn’t all bad. Even though the vaccine may not completely prevent you from catching the flu, those that have had the vaccine seem to get sick for a shorter duration and have a less severe case. So don’t be completely discouraged, the shot still helps fight illness in the long run, it just doesn’t completely prevent influenza in all cases.
According to Dr. Sam Alexander, the DU Health Center’s executive director, your chance of staying healthy if you have had the flu shot this year is better than 50 percent. However, the number of students getting sick on campus is greater, and it doesn’t help that in the state of Colorado, the flu outbreak is considered to be widespread.
In J-Mac alone, four students were hospitalized because of illnesses this quarter. Micah Litman, a freshman in the dorm, was hospitalized on Saturday, Feb. 23.
“I had a head cold and was feeling very feverish that day. I got up to go to the bathroom and ended up blacking out and had to be taken to the emergency room,” Litman said.
Even though the flu vaccine is not 100 percent effective, it is still beneficial to receive. It can decrease the severity and duration of your sickness, which is important and will help to get rid of your sickness quicker.
There are several hundred flu shots left at the Health Center and doctors are still encouraging students to come in and get it. It may be late in the season, but it’s definitely not too late to worry about staying healthy.