Dear Editor,

I read of campus elections and I observe SOME behavior (much of it behind-the-wheel), as well as evidence of our society’s propensity to overconsume – housing, food, drink, even mutual funds.B I sometimes wonder about the apparent paucity of time experienced or perceived by many, including of course stressed-out students (and, perhaps, faculty).B I also greet with relief and approbation what I hear some of the DU family have apparently been doing in places like Albania and New Orleans.B Those who graduate from DU are urged to “make a difference,” and not only a “living.”B I am not certain how we can in an enduring manner really help the manic, the obsessed, the narrow-minded, the nihilistic, or the arrogant.B But I fervently hope that as we all reflect on the experience and meaning of education this summer, there will be a very broad view taken of some very fundamental concepts.B Like freedom (it is NOT having no one to answer to!!); poverty (not all of it is in the pocketbook); ignorance (only a problem if it is willful?); and inequality (this is always subjective, but it surely does not go away if we cannot stop ourselves wanting more, does it?).B So now, before the yellowjackets come looking for a crevasse in the bricks where you live, you have a “bug in your ear.”B Do give a moment before a swat; won’t you?B

Gregory Iwan, Adjunct Professor and Marsico Lecturer, Geography Department.