Since the dawn of time, philosophical thought has posed a number of important questions that have stumped even the greatest thinkers of all time. Why are we here? Where are we going? Is there a God? And how many licks does it take to get to the inside of a Tootsie-pop? Well, maybe not that last one…
Nevertheless, a new organization has opened on campus that seeks to answer these questions, and that organization is the DU Freethinkers.
The University of Denver is host to a number of religious organizations (Campus Crusade, Hillel, Young Life), which, at their very base, seek to answer these so-called big questions of life.
The Freethinkers share the same objectives as these other organizations but seek the answers in a different way.
While many religious groups are based around the idea of faith, a free thinker is defined as “a person who forms opinions about religion on the basis of reason, independently of tradition, authority, or established belief.” That is to say that the idea of blind-faith in anything (whether it is belief or disbelief in a higher power) is not only ridiculous and illogical but goes against everything that rational thought stands for.
Therefore, it is our goal to provide an open environment dedicated to rational thought, in which any and all students are free to share their ideas on these big questions.
We do not claim to know the answers to these questions, nor do we affiliate ourselves with a specific religious doctrine or dogma. However, we do plan on interpreting a number of doctrines and ideas that are deemed relevant and interesting to the purposes of this group.
So, be you Atheist, Theist, Agnostic or even Pastafarian, our doors are open to you.
The Freethinkers plan on meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at Jazzmans. If any of this interests you, we encourage you to come by our next meeting and to bring any ideas for discussion that you might already have or that you think that might be cool for this group.
Thanks. Hope to see you there.
Chris Ferry, Sterling Field, Cameron Stone, and Cory Madden
DU Freethinker co-founders