How will you celebrate October 11th? A party? A cake? An intimate dinner with close friends? How about political action?

This Monday, October 11th is National Coming Out Day. Granted, it’s no New Year’s Eve or St. Patrick’s Day. But, for many Americans, it’s much more important.

National Coming Out Day is not just a day for all gays and lesbians to express themselves. It is a time to reflect upon the struggles, social and self-imposed, that gay and lesbian Americans continue to face. It is a time to reaffirm that, whether gay, straight, bisexual, or none-of-the-above, we all support an environment where every American lives free from fear and self-oppression.

If you are not gay, lesbian, or bisexual, you may not care about Coming Out Day, but coming out of the closet is a long, difficult emotional process; I speak from experience. We, face fear, discrimination, harassment, rejection, and even violence by revealing our true identity. We all take a brave step by admitting our sexuality, and we need your support.

The easiest way you can help your gay and lesbian friends is by creating an accepting environment, not just on your campus and in your community, but in the nation as well. This means choosing a leader who respects and supports gay and lesbian Americans in their struggles.

Colorado Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave and Senator Wayne Allard have joined forces with President Bush to use the lives of gay and lesbian Americans as a political tool. They have pandered to homophobia and bigotry to score electoral points and have attempted to make gay and lesbian Americans second class citizens. In George Bush’s America, gays and lesbians are outsiders, a threat to American society.

John Kerry understands the real threats to America are terrorism, poverty, and lack of health care, not gay and lesbian Americans. John Kerry respects gays and lesbians for who they are, hard-working Americans who just want a part of the American Dream.

John Kerry opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment. He was one of only 14 Senators to vote against the “Defense of Marriage Act” in 1996. And he passionately opposed the discriminating “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. John Kerry has a long record of fighting discrimination and supporting gays and lesbians.

In John Kerry’s America, gay and lesbian couples will have the full protection of the laws. He will advocate for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, so gay and lesbians can work in an environment free of discrimination, and he will support comprehensive hate-crimes legislation.

More importantly, gays and lesbians will be accepted as part of the diversity that makes America great. Gays and lesbians will not have to hide in the shadows in a Kerry Administration. Gay and lesbian families will not fear being torn apart. And gay and lesbian teenagers will not fear for their future in this country.

Your gay and lesbian friends and family will take a huge step on Monday, but their future lies in your hands in November. When you go into the voting booth or mark your absentee ballot, think of your loved ones. Think of how far they have come and how far they have to go. Think of their lives under four more years of George W. Bush.

Cristina R. AguilarDMST M.A. 2001