(Note: Trying again. Library computers and your web site suffering from “the flu.”)Dear Editor: A few observations as I complete this op-ed cycle. First, we need to find public servants who have more “on the ball” and more creativity. How capable is management of any group at any level whose principal or sole strategy is tax cuts? It may be populist, but it fails economic “cost-benefit” tests!Second, defense policy has recently prompted a good deal of rhetoric, much of it bitter. I submit that supporting our troops and opposing empty-headed policy decisions placing them in harm’s way are NOT mutually exclusive.Third, has anyone noticed there is a LOT of equipment useful for little else but separating uranium (toward enrichment), missing from Iraq? No, Saddam did not have and was not fashioning WMD’s. But apparently someone would now like to, and the “Coalition” has not a clue who. From under their noses, yet. Would this stuff still be in Iraq had we not invaded? Easy one. Would it be building bombs? With sanctions, UN inspections, and satellites that can read this newspaper? Not likely. We and the world really were safer before “shock and awe,” and the WORLD knew it. — Gregory Iwan, Preliminary Candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.