As of two weeks ago, the Graduate School for International Studies (GSIS), located in Cherrington Hall, began offering wireless ethernet access to its students.

Manager of Technology Tim Crouch said this was another step in the university’s ongoing process of “trying to make sure that the technology the students need is in place before they have to ask for it.”

The three-story building, which was renovated last summer, now boasts not one but two Orinoco wireless access points.

After less than two weeks of operation, Crouch reported that both the cafCB) and classrooms were connected, and about half the offices were using ethernet ports.

An unexpected benefit of the installation is that wireless coverage extends to almost 40 feet around the back and sides of the building. Students or faculty can sit outside and work in the courtyard, if they so choose.

Crouch said that the wiring was installed during the renovation. This saved time and cost when the antennae were installed in late December.

On a recent afternoon, the cafCB) was packed with people using their laptops and the new wireless system.

The GSIS network uses the same VPN security client that the rest of campus operates on, so that no additional technology is required. Eventually students will be able to sit anywhere on campus and check their e-mail on their laptops without the need to plug into a port.

Wireless is now available in Driscoll North and in certain areas of the Daniels College of Business. The wireless coverage even extends to the Driscoll and Penrose lawns, where students can check their e-mails on their laptops.