Fellow Undergrads,

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Aaron Schwarzberg and I am the All Undergraduate Student Body president.

I was asked by the editor of the Clarion to write an editorial every other week, switching off with my Vice President Megan Cartier, to give an update on what Senate is up to. So things don’t get too boring, I’ll try to switch it up every time I write an editorial. This week, I’d like to let everyone know what Senate is about, who we are, and what we do.

Senate is a governing body made up of undergraduate students who represent a certain group of constituents on campus.

There are two senators representing each class, two senators representing off campus student, two senators representing on-campus students, two senators representing arts, humanities, and social science students, two senators representing natural science, mathematics, and engineering students, and two senators representing the Daniels College of Business students.

Senate is also comprised of an executive board which includes: the president, the vice-president, the president pro-tempore, the president of DU Programming Board, the chair of Student Media Board, the chair of Marketing, the chair of Finance, the chair of Records, chair of Intercollegiate Athletics, chair of Campus Climate, and the chair of Greek Affairs.

Senate is here, at its most basic level, to serve the undergraduate student body as a resource. We represent you and are therefore, here for you. We address individual students concerns at our meetings which are every Tuesday in Driscoll Gallery from 6:00 to 8:00pm.

We also receive feedback from the administration and also from athletics on ways to better the university. Each senator works on a few projects throughout the year based on what his or her constituents would like to see changed.

We also allocate funds to student organizations such as club sports, Student Media Board, the Latino Student Alliance, etc. Our goal is to allocate funds in a responsible and thoughtful manner. We try to give every group what they need.

If you could take away one thing from this editorial, I would like for it to be that the AUSA Senate is here for you.

If you want to see changes, it is as simple as contacting your senators or coming to a Senate meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Aschwarz@du.edu or you could visit the Senate website: www.du.edu/orgs/senate. You stay classy, DU.