It’s Saturday afternoon. You’re pacing back and forth in your dorm room, absent-mindedly trying to think of a cure for your boredom.

You weigh your options: you could rally a few friends and go see a movie, or watch a DVD, or face the same downtown club scene like you do every weekend. You sigh. You’re still bored. You want something different, something refreshing and new.

Sound familiar? Denver has tons to offer in the way of fun – we wouldn’t be going to school here if it didn’t. Even so, you may find yourself fighting the battle of boredom from time to time. What to do? Get some friends together and drive the quick 20 minutes to Golden.

Although many people think Golden is filled with retired cowboys, this small town is packed with opportunities for fun – even for college students. After all, Golden is home to about 3,300 students attending the Colorado School of Mines, so there has to be some student life, right?

Golden entertains a variety of interests. If you love nature, Clear Creek passes right through one of Golden’s peaceful parks. On a nice day, the river makes an ideal spot for kayaking or fishing. If you’d rather just appreciate beautiful scenery, drive the winding road up to Lookout Mountain and enjoy an amazing panoramic view of Denver. Or, if you’re feeling really daring, try para-sailing off the cliffs of Lookout Mountain. Scary, yes, but definitely fun!

After your outdoor adventures, you’ll need to refuel. Stop into one of Golden’s independently owned restaurants such as Table Mountain Inn, where you’ll get fresh and unique southwestern cuisine. If you’d rather stick to old favorites, shoot some pool at Woody’s Woodfired Pizza and Watering Hole while chowing freshly baked pizzas, straight from a woodfired oven.

If burning some serious cash sounds fun, take your pick from Golden’s several quaint boutiques and specialty stores, selling everything from specialty gifts to sports paraphernalia to lingerie. Or head to the newly built Colorado Mills Shopping Center, where you’ll find an eclectic mix of fashion, bizarre gifts and outlet stores.

However, if school leaves you little time for fun, take your books and study at one of Golden’s coffee shops. Higher Grounds and 13th Street Bakeshop are just a couple of ideal spots for hitting the books. If you insist on your routine fix, never fear: a new Starbucks was just built a few months ago.

And, of course there’s the Coors Brewery, where you can go on a tour and sip beer (if you’re old enough).

Next time you’re bored, venture into the unknown and explore Golden. You’ll be surprised how “golden” this town really is.