Kristin Funke is interning 60-70 hours a week this quarter but she is more relaxed than most college seniors because she will most likely have a job waiting for her when she graduates.

Funke, an accounting major in the Daniels College of Business, is interning at KPMG one of the “big four” accounting firms in the country. A majority of accounting interns are offered jobs after graduation.

She credits a big part of her success in getting an internship at such a well-respected company such as KPMG to the School of Accountancy and the Career Center.

“Everything was online, from the applications to being able to make initial interview times. The professors were great in letting us know when they were up and when due dates where approaching,” said Funke.

The actual interviewing process was involved and spanned several weeks. The first step was to apply online. Students received online responses if they were accepted for an interview.

The first interviews were able to pick their times and they were held in the DCB. All of the big four firms, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Deloitte Toce, Ernest & Young and KPMG all come to the DCB. Also, there were smaller or Denver-based only firms recruiting interns

“It was great to just be able to just walk down the hall and not have to go anywhere else,” said Funke.

Students who were accepted for the next round of interviews they received a phone call. These interviews were held at the offices.

These included four 15-minute interviews with different staff members. They were then able to meet managers and partners. They also received an office tour. Then students received an acceptance or rejection letter for an internship.

Funke received three offers but decided KPMG was the place to intern. Eight other accounting majors are also at KPMG. Senior accounting majors do not take classes during winter quarter in order to be able to intern.

“December to March is the accounting firms’ busy season. The program is structured so that we can do this,” said Funke. “The best part about doing it this time of year is I know that it will never be worse than this.”

The reason that Funke became an accounting major is because it offered her the most opportunities in the business world.

“School is really close knit because it is so small. No matter whose class you are in you are able to get help from any professor in the office,” said Funke. “Accounting is one of the most challenging majors at DU. We are the people who are always in the DCB until it closes.”