Although Up ‘Til Dawn has raised $13,123, the AUSA Senate has raised nothing thus far, Junior Senator Justine Brew reported this last Tuesday at the weekly AUSA Senate meeting.

Most of the fund-raising for the event that benefits St. Jude’s Hospital is done through a letter-writing campaign.

To date, three senators have sent out letters, AHUM/SOCS Senator Amber Kirchenschlager said.

Chair of Records Mary Keller has sent 20 letters.

“We are putting as much effort into it as we can,” Keller said. “We are all over-extended with organizations. You sign up, you send out letters, and you ask people to donate money,” NSME Senator Chris Adams said.

“You accept [the money] and then you turn it over to Up Til Dawn. You try to raise $800 minimum.”

“Up Til Dawn finds out who donated money for which team and that is how we know how must just Senate has raised,” Senator Kirchenschlager said.

At the senate meeting Feb. 4, Brew said, “We have not earned anything, however the entire organization has earned $8,000.”