In the last week, thousands of protests across the country urged our government not to go to war with Iraq.
One demonstration in front of the White House ended with at least 17 people arrested. A few of the demonstrators were carrying signs that said such things as, “No more innocent victims for oil” and “How many lives per oil barrel?”
This seems just a little bit ironic, considering that the majority of those demonstrating probably drove their oil-guzzling automobiles to the protest, and those that weren’t arrested no doubt returned to their automobiles once they were finished protesting the U.S. government’s planned “war for oil.”
Granted, while I, too, disagree with the government’s reasoning for going to war with Iraq, I really don’t believe blaming our nation’s reliance on foreign oil is a justifiable excuse for protesting Bush’s policy toward Iraq, especially when many of the demonstrators are driving to these protests.
Just some words of advice to those of you who may be planning to join these demonstrations: Leave your vehicle at home and take the bus, light-rail or whatever.
If you don’t, then a lot of people like me are going to be extremely confused.