Though there isn’t a flake of snow on the ground, the University of Denver’s 45th annual Winter Carnival is in full swing this week.

Today, the third day of events, DU Programs Board will have a prize wheel on Driscoll Bridge where students can spin the wheel to win various prizes from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and free ice skating with the hockey team at Magness Arena from 7-9 p.m.

Tomorrow DU students will have the chance to show off their exceptional skills in the talent show at 8 p.m. in Davis Auditorium in Sturm Hall. E-mail Lindsay Fryer at lfryer@du.edu to participate in the show.

On Thursday night, DUPB will host the Winter Ball. This year the semi-formal is a free event to students, but students will need tickets to be guaranteed admittance.

Andy Losier, spokesman for DUPB, said students with tickets will be admitted into the dance first.

Tickets may be picked up on Driscoll Bridge today through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The week will conclude with a trip to Hi Country Haus at Winter Park.

Losier said over 120 students and faculty and staff have signed up for the 2-night event. Participants pay less than $100 for their lodging transportation, meals and other events. Discounted lift tickets will be available for students as well.

Buses for Winter Park will leave 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Friday, Losier said. Buses leave Winter Park at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday.

The carnival kicked off with the Polar Bear Run at Washington Park Sunday. Participants paid $15-20 to raise money for The Rainbow House, a center that works to help prevent domestic abuse.

Yesterday DUPB continued the festivities with the Chili Cook-Off on Driscoll Bridge.

Losier encouraged students to attend as many events as possible and said DUPB was hoping for a great turnout.

For information about any of the Winter Carnival events, contact Dawn Muirhead x14233 or dmuirhea@du.edu.