Dear editor: The University Chaplain, the Associate Provost for Multicultural Excellence and the president of the AUSA Senate have announced several changes designed to create a much more welcoming and inclusive environment. We believe these are part and parcel of the university’s commitment to inclusive excellence and would like to highlight these initiatives. At the end of the spring quarter and after many discussions with students, staff and faculty, DU adopted a religious accommodations policy. Now, in one place, and in one comprehensive document, members of the university community can find the requirements and suggestions for observing the holy days of their faiths and avoid potential conflict with class or work schedules. We have provided suggestions for accommodations as well as procedures for resolving conflicts on these matters between students and faculty, or supervisors and staff. The policy, as well as a list of frequently-observed days and a link to an interfaith calendar, can be found at the chaplain’s Web site: portfolio.du.edu/religiouslife. Also, at the end of the spring quarter, the AUSA Senate passed a resolution granting “licensed fundable” status to religious student organizations. This is great news for several reasons. First, it further recognizes that religion on this campus is a valuable aspect of diversity. Second, it allows for these groups to make tremendous contributions to a welcoming campus environment. And, finally, over the summer and, again, after many conversations, Penrose Library has set aside a space for Muslim students, faculty and staff (and, indeed, those of any faith tradition) for their regular daily prayers. The library offers a centrally located space on campus that meets this need and resolves another accommodation problem. All of the above changes indicate that DU continues to become a more inclusive campus, celebrating the rich diversity of its students, faculty and staff. We want to acknowledge all the students, staff and faculty who were involved in bringing these changes, in particular the students. We are pleased to bring them to your attention at the beginning of a new academic year! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

The Rev. Gary Brower University Chaplain

Jesús TreviñoAssociate Provost for Multicultural Excellence

Monica KumarPresident, AUSA Senate