Energy production is one of the greatest environmental problems.

Students at the University of Denver have shown an interest in joining the nationwide movement toward using and developing alternative energy. The campaign looks to purchase wind power for a portion of energy consumed on campus.

Our proposal is to purchase enough renewable energy to power Sturm Hall. No more than $3 of existing student fees will be used to make this conversion. Put into a broader context, this is a mere 0.1 percent of the tuition increase for the 2004-2005 school year.

So why should we purchase wind power?

Pollution from coal and oil power plants has been linked to increases in global warming and damage to the ozone layer. Power production has taken its toll on air quality, which has resulted in adverse health effects.

Scientists are suggesting that damage to the ozone layer is causing an increase in skin cancer. Greater numbers of respiratory problems have been linked to air quality as well.

We need to re-evaluate our energy consumption. Fossil fuels are finite resources; wind power is not. Global dependency on fossil fuels is quickly depleting our energy resources.

Wind power is the most popular and fastest growing energy sector. Wind power has proven to be abundant, cost effective and simple to access.

Today there are almost 30,000 wind turbines worldwide. Some estimate that by the year 2020, wind energy could supply anywhere from 5 to 15 percent of the energy needs of the United States. Right now wind power supplies about 0.1 percent of the United States’ needs.

Our goal in this project is to enhance awareness and increase dialogue about the implications of our energy consumption. Passing this initiative will be a proactive step toward keeping DU as a leader in the community.

If every university in the United States purchased wind power, rather than coal power, we could cut the nation’s coal power use by 23 percent. It is estimated that 1,000 kWh of wind energy offsets 1,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. So let’s start!