Stefani Germanotta, famously known as Lady Gaga, debuted with her first album The Fame last October.

Her music, a mix of pop, rock and electronic disco harks back to her childhood on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous and as the lyrics explain, “it’s a sharable fame.

I want to invite you all to the party [and] feel a part of this lifestyle,” said Gaga in a press release.

The songs are fun, energetic and make the listener want to get out on the dance floor and be a part of big city pop culture.

Her first single and also the first track on the CD is “Just Dance.” Collaborating with singer/songwriter Colby O’Donis, Gaga combines her own fast-paced dance-pop club sound with Colby’s R&B, slow pop sound, reminiscent of Justin Timberlake.

It’s a perfect introduction to the overall theme of the album and starts with some fast, catchy techno beats to get the listener to stop worrying and “Just Dance.”

“Paparazzi”, the third song and heard on the hit TV series “Gossip Girl” might first come across as a typical love song, but it is rather about the struggle with success, fortune, love or all three.

The tune is catchy and has a bubble-pop synthesized element to it.

“Poker Face,” the next song, returns to the traditional sound of club music without losing Gaga’s flair for mixing new beats and catchy lyrics.

The fundamental sound is fairly similar to that of “Just Dance” with an added twist.

The beat is a lot more pronounced and the synthesizing has scratchy sounding stuttering.

The lyrics are pretty basic with a few that make no sense other than that they rhyme.

The song does have a deeper meaning, though, of showing a different persona in public.

“Boys, Boys, Boys” is one of the more unique songs on the album.

It has a sound and feel reminiscent of Ashlee Simpson and brings in some elements of rock.

For fans of rock who like pop-infused songs, this one goes out to you.

The lyrics, however, sound similar to other tracks on the CD.

“Summerboy” also brings in elements of rock and seems to be about exactly what the title says: a summer boy. It should be listened to while tanning on a beach in California. It brings in some very disco-infused beats that sound similar to something one would hear on an old Madonna album, bringing The Fame to a very happy close.

Overall, The Fame has fairly simple lyrics but the music itself is very catchy and brings a whole new element to club music. With a lot of synthesized beats and Lady