Ever wanted to volunteer for something, but felt like you didn’t have enough time?

Well, second-year students Caitlin Hutchins and Lauren Schrag are spearheading a new campaign at DU to collect hair for people with alopecia areata, a hair loss condition. This medical condition has no known cause or cure.

This new campaign began on Valentine’s Day and will run until next year. During this time, Hutchins and Schrag will be advertising for students to grow out their hair to at least 10 inches.

The hair collected will go to “Locks of Love,” which is a non-profit organizations that manufactures wigs from real human hair for children under 18 who are suffering from alopecia areata.

Although no official date has been set for the hair-cutting, Hutchins said she and Schrag are looking into local salons and hair styling schools to donate labor time. They are thinking of having hair cuts done on Driscoll Bridge.

to help spread the word about this event, there will be advertising to the Greek houses and other interest groups. Additionally, she said they will create an e-mail listserv of student volunteers.

“There are so few things that people choose to do together,” Hutchins said.

“This will make a huge difference in these people’s lives. Service unites people and this is the easiest way to serve your neighbor. Plus, you get a free haircut out of this deal.”

Hutchins and Schrag came up with this volunteer idea two weeks before Valentine’s Day. They have both previously participated in “Locks of Love;” Hutchins once and Schrag twice in high school.

To learn more about “Locks of Love,” go to their Web site at www.locksoflove.org.