Jake Bakker and Will Ford were elected president and vice president of the AUSA Senate this week. They won by 31 votes against Senators Jillian Doss and Rory Vaden.

Over 25 percent of the undergraduate population voted in this year’s election, with 872 votes casst.

Next year’s Senate will include: On-Campus Senators Chris Sivavajchaipong and Josh Johnson, Off-Campus Senators Julie Cronholm and Rola Altoos, Sophomore Senators Tyler DeWeese and Megan Gonzalez, Junior Senators Eric Johnson and Justine Brew, Senior Senators Laura Szynskie and Nic Marcheso, AHUM/SOCS Senators Amber Kirchenschlager and Linda Knight, DCB Senators Andrew Petraitis and Milena Zilo, and NSME Senators Kristen Weaver and Chris Adams.

The new Senate will be sworn in May 22.

In related news, Senator Kimberly Kirven reported that she came across an individual who was trying to hack into a computer to vote. She said he was about 12-years-old and wore glasses. He was memorizing student ID numbers and was caught in the ID office.

The Senate also passed a funding bill for $240 to sponsor a “Discrimination and Racism Panel” to be held May 21.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs will sponsor the panel. Thomas Ware, who addressed the Senate in February claiming Campus Safety discriminated against him, will be the facilitator.

Panelists are Evans Professor Alan Gilbert, Professor Vincent Harding, Marge Taniwaki and Professor Tony Bandele.

The bill was sponsored by Senator Abdullatif Al-Nusif.

Senators Kate Bleakley and Andrew Petraitis are proposing a resolution to form the Council of Undergraduate Business Students.

According to the resolution, CUBS would be a “student-led, student-run organization that allows undergraduate Daniels College of Business students to enact change in their educational careers and have ownership in their education.”

Senators bleakly and Petraitis presented the resolution to the Senate for feedback.

Senator Jillian Doss reported that the Diversity Conference that was held last Friday was a success.