If you have walked through the Humanities Garden in the past month, you have probably noticed the oddly-placed chain-link fence crossing the fountain. We have, and we’ve pondered a number of different possibilities for why it’s there. Not the least of whch included future construction, the protection of the weary traveler or a termporary solution to a lawsuit pending after someone fell to a shallow end.
However, the truth isn’t nearly that exciting.
After speaking with Dave Snyder, campus operations director, we learned that the fence was set-up after a student voiced concern of increased traffic accross the narrow stretch. This additional traffic comes from a current diversion caused by the replacement of the sidewalk to the west of Charrington Hall.
Snyder said that the fence should come down this week as the new brick sidewalk nears completion. To our joy, this mysterious fence will vanish like the shine of new copper and the existence of concrete sidewalks.