George of the Jungle 2 was like a little kid for the first time trying to ride a bike without training wheels. You think it will be okay and that it has some potential, but then you kept on losing balance and falling off the bike.

It is a good thing that the movie is only coming out on DVD and VHS because it would definitely not bring in any revenue. It would only break even with what was spent on producing the movie or lose money.

One thing that did not bring the sequel of George of the Jungle up to par with the first is the characters. Christopher Showerman of TV’s “Fear Factor,” who plays George, does not compare to the looks, fame and intrigue of Brendan Fraser. And let’s face it. Brendan Fraser is what made the first movie what it was, whatever it was.

Some returning actors in the cast include Thomas Haden Church as Lyle Van de Groot, John Cleese as the voice of Brother Ape and Holland Taylor as Beatrice Stanhope, Ursula’s mom. But for the most part, the cast is new to the jungle scene.

The narrator in this movie is the most annoying part of it. He has a radio announcer voice that you could either like or hate. I hate it. Towards the end of the movie, Church’s character actually said to the narrator that he was annoying and that his voice was annoying. The narrator makes the movie sound like a story and as if you should be able to predict what is exactly going to happen. This takes away some of the suspense, although there was not too much to begin with.

One thing that caught my attention in the movie was how in the beginning it made fun of itself by having Showerman (George) say that Brendan Fraser did not want to do the part anymore because it would not be as big of a blockbuster as the first movie.

Most of the movie though, had the dumbest jokes and scenes that either did not make sense or were just pointless.

For example, at one point in the movie, George, Ursula, and George Jr. go to Las Vegas to get Brother Ape who lives there in a casino. Their first stop in civilization is to go see a circus where George makes friends with a boxing kangaroo, who ends up coming back to the jungle in Africa with them. How does a kangaroo fit in a jungle or in Africa?!

Also, George has a pet elephant who thinks he is a dog and of course the elephant is computerized and it is the worst computerized elephant I have ever seen. I do not understand how this movie has a suggested retail price of $22.99 for VHS and $29.99 for DVD. It should be thrown right into the sales bin along with the other bad sequels to semi decent movies.