Doug Lansky, author and world traveler, spoke last week about how students can travel the world on a small budget.

The presentation, titled “How to see the world on a student’s budget,” consisted of visual aid enhanced excerpts of Lansky’s most recent book, Rough Guide to Traveling Around the World.

He offered tips on how to combat diseases such as dysentery and how to use a remote control toilet.

Also included were useful pointers for traveling cheaply by eating foods on the street and the best places and ways to hitchhike from town to town.

Lansky spent part of the two-hour presentation talking about why and how people should travel.

He spoke against just visiting the famous sights of the world, and advocated going places others usually won’t.

“Don’t play connect the dots with the famous sights of the world,” he said. “Just like you can get churched out from going to too many churches, you can get wandered off the world.”

Lanksy’s budget plan allows the traveler to spend $2,700 or less in three months than would otherwise be spent.

The presentation highlighted both the biggest wastes of money while traveling and an outline of exactly what to bring to travel successfully in foreign countries.

He did say that he had made about every mistake a traveler can make, including traveling too fast from place to place and trying to see too much.

“It’s not about how many countries you visit,” he said. “Traveling is about the meaningful, quality visits.”

He is fluent in five different languages including Swedish and Norwegian, and cites earplugs as the most important item to pack on a trip.

“Often times, a hostel will be right above a nightclub,” he said. “If you don’t have them, you won’t get any sleep.”

Lansky has written for National Geographic and other magazines, and done programs for The Discovery Channel.

He now lives in Stockholm. Rough Guide to Traveling Around the World will be available at the DU bookstore beginning Wednesday.