Lindsey Auditorium in Sturm Hall went wild last Thursday night when Mission Wolf, sponsored by the Alpine Club, brought four live wolves to DU for students to touch and pet.

“[We] want to let people have a personal experience to connect them with the wilderness,” Kent Weber, director of Mission Wolf said.

Mission Wolf is based in Silver Cliff, Colo. and its sole goal is to encourage wolf conservation and to connect people with nature. The group operates a rufuge and a wind-and-solar-powered visitor building. It also is home to 40 captive-born wolves and wolf-dog crosses.

About 20 students and one Campus Safety officer came to see the wolves.

After petting the wolves, Joslin Heyward, a sophomore, said, “Their fur is a lot thicker than a dog’s!”

The wolves, 1-year-olds Raven and Magpie, and 9-year-old Rami as well as wolf-dog cross Luna fascinated students for nearly two hours. The presentation culminated with a joint wolf howl attempt by the students

The wolves were unimpressed.