Freedom means different things to different people.
For some it is the ability to perform a traditional dance. For other it is to rectify an injustice almost 150 years old.
These various representations of freedom were presented at the Driscoll Ballroom on Feb. 28.
The Freedom Seder is a dinner in which students can creatively express themselves through music, poetry and theatrical performances. These presentations center on the themes of freedom, unity, hope and peace. One organization, CAPSA (Colorado Asian Pacific Student Alliance), centered their presentation on the theme of justice. Members did a slide show of photographs taken by Corky Lee. Lee’s photographs were also hung in the gallery in front of the ballroom. The photographs are of Chinese workers not pictured during the commemoration of the completed transcontinental railroad at Promontory Point, Utah, 1869.
SEARCH did interactive theater about health. Members invited five volunteers from the audience to act out what being healthy means. Volunteers enacted a story told by Tad Spencer, director for the Department of Wellness, on health and fitness.
Members of the Residence Hall Association (RHA) presented a blanket showing elements that center on the theme of growth. Members plan to give the blanket to someone less fortunate.
The Greek Community was scheduled to do a presentation on community, but members failed attend.
Facilitating the Freedom Seder were Deborah Barton, executive director of the Center for Multicultural Excellence, senior Andrea Love and freshman Dru Weaver.
“I was amazed, humbled and thrilled about the people who took the time to do these presentations,” Barton said. “They provided a lot of insight and education; it was really wonderful.”
Barton said that if students want to continue with the Freedom Seder, another event may be planned for next year.
The Freedom Seder was co-sponsored by “Bridges to the Future,” Hillel, the Center for Multicultural Excellence, the AUSA Senate Diversity Committee, the DU Wellness Department, SEARCH (Student Educators Advocating Responsible Choices in Health), PRIDE and the Undergraduate Women’s Council.