During the past couple of weeks, absentee voters from California have been greeted at their mailboxes by their ballot to be used in the recall election on Oct. 7. In what has been a devastating blow to the state of California, both politically and economically, the radical right within the GOP have mounted a recall campaign touted as a victory for democracy, but really a manipulation of uneducated voters in a struggling national economy.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) mounted the recall by employing signature gatherers in an effort to hold a special election to replace controversial Gov. Gray Davis, a democrat. What has transpired is a timeline of unbearably bad politics, irresponsible media coverage, and the pop-culture response to a ridiculous quest for political power, mounted by radicals within the Republican Party. While the recall seems like a joke, what is at stake is a blow to the democratic process and devastating effects on the California economy.
Gov. Davis is being recalled for failure to handle the state budget crisis efficiently, and for perceived wrong-doings during the California energy crisis. This recall is an effort to undermine the electorate by replacing him with a candidate who most certainly received less votes than he did in the most recent state election.
Sadly, Californians and the media (both national and local) have failed to ask the necessary questions about the state of the economy in California. For example, state budgets all over the nation are suffering at the loss of federal funds resulting from ineffective and irresponsible economic policy formulated by the President and the Republican Congress. Furthermore, the state energy crisis in California was predicated on the actions of Republican lawmakers and Republican owned energy corporations, such as Enron.
What Californians are failing to see is that Republican lawmakers who have launched this recall are part and parcel of a regime that has undermined democracy since the appointment of President George W. Bush in the controversial 2000 election. Once again, the money of deep pocketed politicians will steer an election away from the democratic process and toward the special interests they are claiming to dissolve.
For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger claimed, in the first speech he made as an official gubernatorial candidate, that he would not receive funding from special interests, but promised not to accept campaign contributions. Yet, he has raised more than twice the amount of other candidates, with campaign funds totaling over $8 million.
The recall election has the potential to cost the state over $100 million in logistical and legal fees. This is in no way making economic strides or lessening the already atrocious state budget. Furthermore, the excess in candidates is a waste of time, money and paper by listing 135 candidates on the ballot.
Perhaps the most ardent display of the ridiculous nature of this recall occurred during the debate televised on Sept. 24.
This nationally televised debate showcased the top five candidates, fighting like elementary school children for a spot on the team. No in-depth policy discussion occurred and the dais became more like a circus than a table full of policy makers.
As if the story wasn’t already interesting enough, however, a recent court battle left voters on the edge of their seats waiting to see if the election would be held as scheduled. Not surprisingly, the court case has ended, and the election will be held as scheduled despite the fact that in 44 percent of California counties, voting reform that would replace punch card voting will not be complete. Imagine Florida in 2000, with 135 candidates on the ballot….there will be more hanging chads than Arnold could count in English.
I urge you to mail your ballots today regardless of your position on the recall. You have a week before they are due. Let us not allow politicians and lawyers to confuse us out of voting in this election. Let us not forget that a majority of Californians are pro-affirmative action, pro-choice and pro-Democracy.
Let us not see our values eroded by a select group of rich politicians threatening to pollute the political system with their wallets.
If a millionaire congressman in each state were willing to fund such recalls, an epidemic would sweep the nation. In a down economy, it is no wonder that hundreds of Californians stood in malls and grocery stores, earning signatures for money.
Do not be tricked into believing that the power of the grassroots has prevailed in California. Alas, the pocketbook of a renegade congressman has prevailed.
Take charge, vote and stay tuned!