Greetings Dear One,We do not know how to get out lettter out to the public dear one … we have been searching for places to post a letter with infomation that will help each soul greatly if this information is applied right after someone has been injured or hurt in almost any way. We are healers, spiritual reverends and counselors and we are asking for a small donation in exchange for the information we are about to share … for it is worth its weight in gold. We are not asking for something for nothing. We have helped others all our lives for free until a year ago and now we could really use help in return ourselves. It is odd that candidates can get so much help from others on the internet and we are struggling to find places to accept our letter and post it. Why is it so hard for others to see the opportunity in helping those like us who have always helped others? Our letter is below … Thank you for your consideration :)Many BlessingsSincerely,Debra (Unity) Subject: We are giving a valuable piece of healing information … will you help us back in return? It would be greatly appreciated!

We are sharing our website… to show you who we are … and so you know this is authentic. http://www.counseloroftheheart.com

Greetings Beautiful Souls …

We are about to share some very valuable information that will be of great benifit to you and your family. This is for anyone that is injured in anyway. It is something we can do for ourselves or for another. It is something every mother and father should know for their children as well as for themselves and others. It can possibly save you hundreds of dollars each year in doctor bills and emergency room visits.

I was certified in Lymphology many years ago and what I am about to share is one of the most valuable tools I have ever learned in my life … and it works dear ones … it really works.

My husband and I are spiritual workers and help many … from runaway teens … to those in need of a place to stay or food to eat. We also counsel others in every area of life. Up until a year ago we helped everyone for free who came to us. At this time in our life … we are asking for your help. We believe in exchange … as exchange is something very important for us all to understand. We are asking for a donation in exchange for the valuable information shared below … no amount is too small … for it will help us greatly.

We are asking you to please use this information and also to forward it to anyone and everyone you know. Please include this in your email newsletters everywhere so all may have this valuable information.

The beauty in this information is … that it is for everyone and it can be easily taught to anyone including young children. We have come to share this with you all … and we know each of you will benefit from its rewards. We also pray you will honor the exchange to us dear ones.

In studing Lymphology we learned the best first aid response to injury. It has been one of the grandest tools we have ever used. This method is to be applied when someone is injured in anyway.

When we get hurt … the first thing we naturally do automatically is hold the hurt area. Did you realize that we all do this as soon as we are hurt? This action of holding the injury … is how we begin the healing process. It is how the body was designed to work and this is why we get a message from within … to hurry and hold the injury. It is an automatic response. We just naturally go to the area and hold it.

The problem arises when we release the hurt area before the pain stops … and we miss one of the grandest benefits and miracles in the bodies healing process by releasing our hold too soon.

Here is how the healing works …

1. The next time you or anyone in your presence gets hurt … immediately grab and “hold” the area that is hurt. Put a little pressure on it and just keep holding it until all the pain is gone. Do not look at it to see how bad it is first, which is a very tempting thing to do. Do not see if it is bleeding or check it out for any other reason at all … just hold it immediately without question until the pain stops. The most important thing is to get a hold on the injury immediately … without stopping to look at it.

2. Hold the area until the pain stops completely. Depending on the injury … you may have to hold it for anywhere from a few minutes up to 20 minutes constantly without peaking … waiting for the pain to stop. No matter what the injury is … burns, cuts, broken bones, whatever … grab the area immediately and hold it until the pain ceases … no matter what. The pain will go away! You must wait until the pain goes away completely.

3. When and if the pain returns after you have released the injured area … return once again immediately to holding the injured area until all the pain subsides again. You may have to do this 2 or 3 more times … but the holding process will be much shorter than the 1st time … perhaps just a few minutes. You need to do this … to experience this miracle of healing.

If you do this and follow the directions completely … not only will healing begin immediately but you will not experience any more pain. You will cease to bleed … there will be no swelling … burns will not blister … bones will reset … and beautiful things will happen … all because you did what your body needed. Trust us … give it a try.

The reason this works (and I won’t get real technical) is when we are hurt … the hurt area sends a message to the brain and the brain tells the body to surround the injured area with protection just in case it is going to get hurt again. As it sends these messages we experience more and more pain.

While the body is protecting itself … it does not heal very much … as it is in a defense mode so to speak. So while the injury is surrounded with inflammation … healing is almost at a stand still. The body is making sure it is secured and safe … just in case there is a chance it can get hurt again. If it is not hurt again in the days to come the body starts to remove the inflammation (protection) and the healing process then begins.

It is in the action of holding the injury immediately until all the pain is gone … that the protection mode above is omitted … and healing begins immediately, instead of protecting.

The bodies natural response to injury is to hold the area … we just don’t hold on to it long enough to experience the full benifit of our bodies ability to heal itself.

This is the miracle we have come to share … it is the tool many of us are missing … and it will help each and every one of you when you apply it. 🙂

If you have found this to be a valuable piece of information for yourself, your family and others … Please remember to send your donation in return … no amount is too small … and it will be greatly appreciated.

From our hearts to yours …Counselor Of The HeartP.O. Box 1582Flippin, AR 72634http://www.counseloroftheheart.com