In the music industry there are thousands of garage bands and independent groups out there working at various degrees to “hit it big,” and the Revolution Smile has done it in spades.

For many different reasons, one has to delve into the heart and soul of the music itself in order to find its true backing. Everyone once and a while one of these groups pulls it out. With their debut album, Above the Noise, they bring their own angle to the metal genre.

These guys, led by Shaun Lopez, know exactly what they want, and they aren’t afraid to go after it, head-first. With a wide range of character within the tracks, this is definitely a group you’ll want to keep an eye out for in the future.

I just finished listening to the whole of Synthetic Delusion’s newest album Vision. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I just finished listening to one long track of the same thing. In this day and age of music, in order for a group to stay in the business you gotta have some kind of flexibility. I can understand the feelings toward bringing down the system, destruction and hatred, but the Ramones weren’t even the first ones to bring that out in the open. They just did it louder.

Now it seems that the only way these groups think they can be better than anyone else is if they are louder and faster and have more “hate.” Come on guys, tell me something I didn’t know. If you’re going to play music for music’s sake, stay in the basement.

Vision is now out in stores and available for purchase, but I wouldn’t advise wasting your money on this.