SALT LAKE CITY – What is the hardest part about getting a book published? Most authors agree that it is not the writing, rather the difficult task of getting it read.

“J.K. Rowling, John Grisham and Richard Paul Evans are excellent examples of talented writers whose original manuscripts were initially rejected,” said Joe Belnap, Lore Hollow’s president and founder. “I don’t think any publisher would have turned down Harry Potter if they had actually read the story.”

The newly established Lore Hollow Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the arts, has announced that its first venture will be in book-publishing.

Consider the following: Major publishing houses do not accept unsolicited manuscripts nor consider new authors without agents. Most agents will not represent an unpublished author, and self-publishing can cost thousands of dollars.

While those obstacles may be overcome, the sheer number of manuscripts represents the largest challenge. Approximately 1,400 books are written in the United States each day. It would take literally thousands of readers just to process half of them. Subsequently, publishers tend to make snap judgements and most rejected manuscripts remain unread.

“What makes us unique in the publishing world is our commitment to provide a viable avenue for new writers to have their manuscripts read; and not just once, but twice. We guarantee it,” Belnap added.

For additional information about Lore Hollow visit www.lorehollow.com, or call 1.801.860.BOOK (2665).