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It’s just after 7 a.m. Saturday two weeks ago. The temperature is a nippy 45 degrees and the sun has not yet crested over the top of the Ritchie Center. The wind begins to blow a little harder from the north.

All of these natural elements have combined to make a cold, wet and generally uninviting day; yet there is a little more than 100 people braving the elements with blankets, jackets and beanies to get this years Denver Pioneers hockey games.

It has become a tradition over the last two years for students to wait in line from ungodly hours of the morning to get discounted tickets for the student section.

With the earliest fans arriving the day prior at 5 p.m. with tents and sleeping bags in tow, it seemed as though the turnout for this year would be greater than ever.

Fifteen hours later at a little before 8 a.m., the line was not that much longer.

The line, which at its longest had hardly reached the edge of the lacrosse field, had stretched all the way to Centennial Halls last year.

In fact, this year the ticket office was still selling tickets well past noon to students who walked to the window of the box office.

For those who did wait in line, the first set of tickets was sold at 10 a.m., followed by doughnuts, donated by the team and coach George Gwozdecky.

Sophomore Mathew Rumery, who got there at a little after 7 a.m., said that it is less about the money you save but more about convenience.

“Since I plan on going to every game, it is easier to just wait in line and get tickets to all the games. That way I won’t have to get tickets the week before, or in the case that they sell out I will still be able to go.”

Economics aside, there are some great games on tap for this year.

“There are some great games that I want to go see this year, especially since there are two games against Colorado College,” said Rumery.

For those who could not muster the will to get out of bed, tickets can be purchased the week of games for a modest increase in price.

Student seats are still be available prior to game time unless the popularity of the opposing team brings an early sellout.