The second installment of Chaplain Gary Brower’s fall book group, The Chaplain’s Program, is Tuesday, Oct. 12 at noon in the Suite 29 Conference Room Driscoll Center South, to discuss “Seeds of Terror” by Gretchen Peters.
The book group features a guest speaker at each meeting. The group will cover three separate books on three separate Tuesdays.
All discussions have a casual “bring your lunch” mentality.
The Chaplain’s Program was started in fall of 2008, Gary Brower’s first year at DU. It is an attempt to bring people from different departments and levels together for an open discussion about religion in a conversational way through various mediums that are not confrontational.
The first discussion of the fall program was Tuesday, Sept. 21, to discuss Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol,” attended by nine staff members. The presenter was Norman Hoff, a 33rd-degree Master Mason who has been a Mason for 63 years.
The next two discussions take place on Tuesday, Oct. 12, and Tuesday, Nov. 9, on two different non-fiction books “Seeds of Terror” by Gretchen Peters and “Speaking of Faith” by Krista Tippett. Gretchen Peters will be attending the Oct. 12 discussion and Lynn Schofield Clark, professor in the Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies, will be joining in on the Nov. 9 discussion.
Being the third year of the program, Brower knows what kinds of books he is looking to introduce in the program.
“I choose books that cross disciplinary boundaries and that might people to think outside their experience or their comfort zone,” he said.
For more information contact Gary Brower.