Last Tuesday, AUSA Senate welcomed Chris Adams, who was elected president by a close 31 votes in an online election earlier this month.

“It’s future leaders like us that will make a difference tomorrow,” he said. “Let your voices be heard.”

United for Israel President Leo Simonovich said, “United for Israel is looking forward to working with a new and vibrant group that has emerged out of the recent elections.”

Kristen Weaver announced that she will continue to work with John Nichols, director of the Driscoll Center to create a more student-focused environment in the building. Nichols will advise the organization that was created for this purpose. The organization is called the University of Denver Student Center Advancement Association and Governance Board.

In other business, AUSA members met with Craig Woody, vice chancellor of business and finance, and Ty Mills, director of Campus Safety, regarding the university’s decision to collect all bicycles not locked with a U-lock. Student representatives discussed the lack of space allotted to store the bikes.

Only bikes collected during winter quarter because they were improperly locked will be sold at auction. Any students still missing their bike should by now have contacted Campus Safety.

Students can still contact Campus Safety at 303-871-2334 or stop by this Saturday’s auction from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Campus Safety Center with proof of ownership. Proceeds from the auction will go toward the bicycle safety program, to buy more bike racks or provide further discounts on U-locks, sold at the DU Bookstore.

Outgoing DCB Senators Andrew Petraitis and Milena Zilo said that the Council of Undergraduate Business Students will meet with Gyln Hanbery, the Associate Dean of DCB 1 p.m. May 30 to discuss a new curriculum, particularly the independent study.

A 12-0-0 vote approved a plaque recognizing the students and organizations responsible for the implementation of Pioneer Plan, which has already improved Pioneer Place with the student lounge.