The AUSA Senate distributed the $6,000 left in the contingency fund for student activities last Tuesday to eight of the 14 student organizations requesting funds.

The Hawaii Club was allocated the most money, the entire $2,000 it requested.

The Native Student Alliance got the entire $1,000 it requested, and the Colorado Restaurant Association got the entire $250 it requested, as did the Russian Student Union.

Student Media Board, requested $1,000, United for Israel that requested $2,450, International Student Organization $6,500, ISMS requested $2,000, Hotel Society wanted $250 and the Wine Club wanted $500. Each received no funds.

Model United Nations got $1,000 of the $3,000 it requested.

Japanese Student Association got $1,300 of the $2,500 it requested. Up ‘Till Dawn got $400 of the $1,000 it requested. Spanish Club got $300 of the $1,000 it requested.

Each organization had a minute to present their case.

Following the presentations, in a 13-0-0 vote, the Senate closed its doors to the public and went into executive session to discuss the allocations.

To offer an explanation, DCB Senator Andrew Petraitis said, “In the past we’ve done it. I think it’s the most productive.”

Commenting on the closed session, Amber Kirchenschlager said, “I do think that the $6,000 was appropriated fairly and appropriately.

“The student organizations will be informed by their finance liaisons.” Kirchenschlager is this year and next year’s AHUM/SOCS Senator.

Petraitis announced that all excess funds distributed in February must be spent by May 30.