Senator Bob Graham – a Florida Democrat running for president – wasted no time on sympathy or sentiment when he heard about American deaths in Saudi Arabia. There were political points to be made.

He saw the blood, knew his opportunity had come, and rushed out to blather his assertion that everything wrong with America is George Bush’s fault.

Terrorists have just murdered eight American citizens and three-dozen Saudis in the first major terrorist incident in 20 months. And all Graham can think to say is this is why he should be president!

This was predictable. Conservative commentators knew this would happen as soon as the first blood was drawn, because the Clinton-era liberal mindset is so blindly self-interested.

Graham’s action illustrates the biggest problem Democrats must overcome. They haven’t had an original thought in decades. All their “solutions” begin with the phrase, “We need more money for….” Truly, their presidential aspirations in 2004 rely entirely on the level of misery and despondency present in the American people.

If the economy improves, or if we are seen to be winning the war against terrorism, Democrats will suffer the humiliation of having Bush around until 2008. This knowledge colors much of what they do and say.

That’s why, less than 24 hours after bombers tasted blood in Saudi Arabia, a Democratic presidential candidate was on the stump “blaming America first” for the actions of our enemies. It’s also why thousands of Democratic delegates booed Sens. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and John Edwards (D-NC) for supporting the President and our troops.

Democrats desperately need Bush to fail, because the public common wisdom is that President Bush is the leader Americans need in these perilous times.

But let’s look at the record. Since Sept. 11, terrorism against Americans has been down – almost non-existent. We know the danger is there, but we also know our intelligence and law enforcement communities are derailing terrorist plans in their imperfect, but mostly successful, ways.

And Democrats blame Bush for “failed policies” because several Americans are murdered after a quiet year and a half?

Our enemies today are in full retreat before American soldiers and investigators. President Bush’s determination that there will be painful consequences for terrorists and their sponsors has done exactly the opposite of what Democrats predicted. Terrorists have largely been shut up and shut down.