In the world of dance Lea Gray is a kid in the candy store.

“I have tried everything moving along the ranks. I was a professional dancer for nine years, a teacher, choreographer and now I own a dancewear store. It was a natural progression”

She is the “Pointe Shoe Sleuth” and proud of it.

“I just fit a girl whose big toe was about a quarter inch bigger than her other toes. She also was in a pointe shoe that was two sizes too small. That was terrible and causes pain and ingrown toenails.”

The-Lea Gray has a passion for movement and motion. Her dance store appropriately named, Motions, supplies dance clothing and accessories to anyone who has the intention of moving their body. Mostly focused on the classical dance market, she also supplies for the yoga/fitness, Hispanic and ballroom dance.

Gray describes her store as “Denver’s main central dance store.” She attracts all of the main ballet companies, too.

“I love education about feet and foot care. I use to travel all over giving lectures on the proper care and the way the pointe shoe should fit.”

While shoes are her expertise, she is skilled in all aspects of dance. Gray is an expert in costume color, line, and design. She teaches make-up and helps judge the Miss America Pageant that she once was a contestant in.

Gray has changed the world of dance in Denver by being creative. “I brought things into the city that would not be here if I was not innovative.”

Gray says she will continue to advance this world. She is on the leading edge for dance using geometrics to feel and become moved by the music.

“What if the music was being played through the floor, so you could feel it through kinesthetic? A dancer would literally feel the music, and that music would move them.” This idea is all about to come to life very soon.