Courtesy of Catherine Buffie


As midterms approach, DU tries to relieve stress and give students something to look forward to. During week six, Oct. 16 – 20, the DU Programing Board (DUPB) set up outside of Sturm and provided a variety of goodies every day of the week, a tradition called Munch Week. All that was needed to earn a treat was a registration on Crimson Connect. During a stressful week students are given the option to get free food out on the campus green. While Munch Week is different each time and the options vary, there is always something for everyone. Whether you’re gluten free, dairy free or vegan you’re still guaranteed a special treat!


BakedNDenver Donuts and Coffee began Monday at 9 a.m. and went until 11 a.m. As someone who loves donuts and coffee, I definitely checked this out. A cool fall morning with a warm cup of joe and a pastry right after a midterm seemed hard to beat. I hadn’t expected there to be so many options when I got there, but they had three different types of coffee creamers and a variety of milk. As far as the donuts went, they had chocolate, pumpkin, plain and, of course, sprinkles. With Monday starting off so strong, I knew I couldn’t miss any of the other days this week. 


Eatopia Samosas…now that was something I had to try. As someone who loves food and trying dishes specific to another’s culture I knew I couldn’t pass this up. For those of you who have no idea what this food is, it’s fried pastry with a savory filling in the shape of a triangle. When I got there, the line was long but it began moving fairly quickly. After a short period of time, I had acquired the goods and took my first bite. Honestly, this was everything someone could want. It was fried, crunchy and savory. These delicious treats were being served from 11 a.m. all the way to 1 p.m. Munch week continued to surprise me and exceed my expectations, making me even more curious to see what they had in store the rest of the week. 


Wednesday followed a similar pattern and continued with the savory. After getting breakfast and lunch out of the way I was really hoping for dinner. Munch Week answered my prayers and gave out Maria’s Empanadas between 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This dish originated in Argentina and is a dough filled with meat and veggies. With my mind preoccupied with nothing but food, munch week was doing its job; midterms were no longer a constant stressor. 


Once Thursday hit, I realized Munch Week was coming to an end. With this in mind I made it my goal to take advantage of the free food. With two days of actual meals, I was excited for another morning filled with coffee and rolls. However, rather than donuts, there were cinnamon rolls, and rather than being on the campus green, these goodies were located on the Carnegie green. While it was a little out of the way from my typical route, I continued to romanticize the coffee and rolls that I would soon be enjoying. Munch Week must’ve been looking out for those who like to sleep in because this breakfast was more like a brunch going on between 11 a.m to 1 p.m. 


Finally Friday came around—the last day of munch week. What better than DU’s staple Snarf’s sandwiches to end the week with a bang? Ranging from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., I swung on by for a sandwich and felt content as midterms and Munch Week had come to an end.