Photo courtesy of DU Social Dance Club


As the Winter Quarter begins at DU, it’s important that students remember that there are many opportunities to be social, destress and have fun. One of the best ways for students to unwind is by taking advantage of all the clubs, intramural sports and club sports that DU offers.

According to the recently launched Crimson Connect—the new, online catalog listing all of DU’s student-led organizations—DU has around 186 student organizations on campus. One of DU’s exciting clubs is the Social Dance Society which meets at the Towers Ballroom every Monday at 6:30 p.m.

The Social Dance Society provides a fun, stress-free and commitment-free environment for any student who wants to try dancing. The variety of dances and the friendly environment makes it easy for any person of any skill level to put both feet first.

When asked about the background and history of this club, Social Dance Society’s social manager, Hunter Damm, was more than happy to share what makes this club special.

“The Social Dance Society started out as the Tango Club, and had a sister club that did swing dancing,” Hunter Damm said. “As the swing dancing club fizzled out, we began incorporating more dances into tango club. Since last spring, we have been the Social Dance Society.”

The past meeting focused on recapping the swing dancing basics from last quarter, and expanding the technique of swing dance. Beginners were less nervous about learning and transitioning into newer techniques, while those who had been part of the club for a while could still be challenged. Everyone was moving at their own pace, and the rotation between partners allowed for a lot of meaningful interactions. In addition to the class, the student instructors informed us of cheap or free dance events here in Denver.

“We encourage students to come to both the classes and the outings to get a better understanding of what social dancing is really like,” Hunter Damm said. “We are also a very happy and friendly club, which many people enjoy.”

Students who fear that they can’t make the commitment need not worry because there is no attendance requirement nor fees for the dance lessons at this club. If a student wants to take a chance and find a new hobby, all they need to do is stop by the Tower Ballroom at 6:30 p.m. on Monday nights.

If you are a student wishing to see a club featured or a club officer wishing for their club to receive press, feel free to reach out at