Looking for something fun to do this week? At the DU Light Rail Station, catch the H-Line, get off at the 16th & California, hop on the Free Mall Ride bus all the way to the other end of 16th Street and then walk straight south across Civic Center Park to one of downtown’s most valuable possessions: The Denver Art Museum.
Every first Saturday of the month is free general admission for almost all exhibits. Every other day, student admission is just $8. The next few months are bringing several exciting new exhibits that you will not want to miss:
Super Indian
Artist: Fritz Scholder, 1967-1980
When: Oct. 4 – Jan. 17
What: More than 40 rare, never-before-seen paintings, mixing figurative and pop art into an abstract description of the life of an American Indian.
Encounters with the Universe
Artist: Kenneth Josephson
When: Oct 11 – May 8
What: 62 visual puzzle photographs taken from 1959 until 2003, exposing how his unique mind views the conceptual world.

Photo by Ruth Hollenback
Wyeth—Andrew and Jamie in the Studio
Artist: Andrew Wyeth and his son Jamie
When: Nov. 8 – Feb. 7
What: More than 100 pieces—created with pen and ink, graphite, chalk, watercolor, oil and a variety of other mediums—that feature the collaborations of these like-minded, imaginative artists redefining their hometown and where they grew up.
A Place in the Sun
Artist: Walter Ufer & E. Martin Hennings
When: Dec. 13 – April 24
What: Chronologically organized paintings illustrating the American Indian and Hispanic cultures of the Southwest.
It is a great time to see some new exhibits and see new parts of Denver. Finish off the last couple months of 2015 by taking advantage of this opportunity to visit some of the finest, most distinguished exhibits the Denver area has ever seen.