Photo by: Ross Edfort Think art is an easy major? Students of the harder sciences may scoff at Art History as a stress-free discipline. In…
Photo by: Katy Owens When you pick up a piece of pizza, do you think about its potentially allergenic content? If you have a gluten…
Photo by: College students being enthralled with video games is old news, circa 1998. However, Rafael Fajardo, associate professor of Electronic Media and Design/Digital Media…
Between work and school, some students are never off the clock - and with tuition rising, working can be a necessity. But many students manage…
Photo by: Located near campus on South Colorado Boulevard and Yale Avenue, Beau Jo's pizza accepts DU Flex Cash and is a great place for…
kend events offer on-campus options for food, fun and family on an affordable budget and in a festive atmosphere for a friendly visit from the…
Photo by: It's difficult to imagine a world where "water is worth its weight in gold" and doing one's private business has become a privilege…
One of the many DU-related Facebook pages, involving a spoof on Chancellor Robert Coombe, has rapidly become a popular Internet destination for DU students. The…